Across the Salty Roads
Guillaume Beaudoin’s journey hitchhiking by sail across the South Pacific Islands to document the impact of climate change on local communities.
6 episodes
The South Pacific Islands are made up of lush greenery, multicoloured seas, windswept salty beaches, and rich historic cultures. They are also undergoing immense environmental challenges due to the global impact of climate change. Rising sea levels, salinization of crops, the significant loss of biodiversity, and plastic pollution are all part of everyday conversations for the inhabitants of Tahiti, Fiji, Tuvalu, the Marquesas, and the thousands of other islands and archipelagos in this region. Montréal-based cinematographer, photographer, and director Guillaume Beaudoin embarks on a 7-month journey hitchhiking by sail, to collect video stories of locals taking initiatives in the fight against climate change.